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Rev. Jim's Place
Rev. Jim's Place
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Rev. Jim's Homepage

Welcome!  You've found the homepage for Pastor Jim Sutter, from Cleveland, Ohio. I am one of the pastors at Jesus the Way Christian Fellowship Church, a culturally diverse, non-denominational Christian church on East 28th Street, in Lorain, Ohio.  Services are Saturday evenings at 6:00 PM.  Bible study is Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm


Take I-90 or the Ohio turnpike (80/90) to the Rt. 57 exit.  Take 57 north to the steel plant, turn left (west) onto East 28th St.  Go 14 blocks to the church.

The church's ministry programs include prison ministry, nursing home and hospital ministry, aftercare ministry and education about those who promulgate hate speech, bigotry and intolerance, in violation of Christ's teachings.

About My Ministry

I am a Independent Baptist minister, ordained through King's Word Seminary in 1993.  I have a BS in Physics, a Th.M., D.D., a doctorate in Biblical Studies and a Ph.D. in Trauma Psychology.   I also maintain various certifications and CE's in prison ministry, domestic violence, crisis intervention and management, suicide prevention.  Ohio ministry license number 18901.  I have worked for many years in social-service oriented positions. The church's outreach programs include transitional housing, prison ministry, street rescue, suicide/homicide intervention, crisis intervention/management, AA, NA, literacy program.

I believe that the only "guaranteed" way of moving from our earthly  existence to an afterlife in heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, repent and ask forgiveness for our sins, and try our very best to follow all of the teachings of Christ.  However, I believe that the unconditional love God has for His children would allow the possibility of others reaching Heaven.  If one follows Christ's teachings about forgiveness, tolerance, love, charity and service to others, then one's chances are high of achieving a heavenly afterlife, in my opinion.  God gave us the gift of free will to make these choices (no, I don't believe in Calvinism) but we must realize that there are consequences to every choice we make, whether it's good or bad. Good works are a required part of being a Christian, and more basically of being a responsible member of society.

I strongly advocate that everyone is entitled to the freedom to practice his/her own faith, beliefs and religion (or lack thereof.)  Jesus preached against intolerance and exclusion. Jesus taught us that inclusion is the right way.

Religion should not be forced on anyone. The best way to evangelize or witness for your religion is to live it in your everyday life. Every person has the right to exercise his/her free will, and choose whatever religion, faith or belief they feel comfortable with.  

On Israel:  As a supporter of modern Israel, I consider myself a Zionist. God gave the land to the Jews, and God is a far higher authority than the UN or anyone else.

On "abortion on demand" (where there is nothing medically wrong with the mother or baby):  It is murder, plain and simple.  Jesus clearly condemns anyone who harms children, and He reiterates the Commandment: "Thou shalt not murder."

On the death penalty: Jesus said "Thou shalt not murder", and the modern death penalty is murder.  Some say the death penalty was prescribed in the Old Testament.  Yes, it was, but there were very specific requirements for it, none of which are exercised in today's courts.   The Old Testament states that whoever does not keep to these specific requirements commits murder.  Jesus demonstrated His opposition to the death penalty when He stopped the stoning of the prostitute.  

Pragmatically, it does not make sense that to show society that it's wrong to kill, we order the killer to be killed. In study after study, the death penalty has been shown to have absolutely no deterrent effect.  A death penalty case is a greater financial burden on the state than to incarcerate someone for life without parole. A death penalty case, from arrest to execution, costs, on average, $2.5 million.  A "life without parole" case, from arrest to natural death while incarcerated, costs, on average, $220,000. LWOP makes more economic sense and uses fewer tax dollars and can safely and securely remove the offender from society.  

On defense of one's country:  God has always advocated defense of one's country, and blessed those who did so for good.  "Turn the other cheek" was directed at individuals, not countries.  God does not expect us to lie down and die.  

Simon Wiesenthal Center                             HateWatchUSA

Words of Wisdom                                        Photo Page
US Navy veteran, retired.   Special interest in counter-terrorism.  

God bless the men and women of the US military and counterterrorism units.


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